Red Horn Kratom Review – Effects, Dosage (Red Vein Horned Kratom)

Looking for the Red Horn Kratom? In my personal experience, I share this detailed red horn kratom review.

The Red Horn Kratom is the newest strain of Kratom and is thought to be a hybrid of the Red vein and Maeng Da Kratom strains. Red Horn is also known as red horned, tri Horned, red horned Maeng da, red vein horned kratom, and Spiked Leaf.


Why You Need Red-Horned Kratom?

In my experience, the Red Horn Kratom is one of the most potent Kratom strains available on the market. You will completely blow out of the water with its range of aromas.

It is known for mood enhancement or euphoria, pain relief, getting rid of anxiety, opiate-like, sleeping aid, relaxation, and energy.

Is it Available Everywhere?

No, Horned kratoms are very rare strains.

They are found only in the deep jungles of the Kalimantan region of Borneo. So, it is difficult to grow and cultivate the red-horned kratoms on a large scale. Hence it is rarely available on the market! But fortunately, it is available in a few reputed shops.

.red horn kratom


Red Horn Kratom

Sometimes red horned Kratom is mistaken as Maeng da or to an almost identical strain, red Borneo Kratom. But there is a minute difference between both strains.

The name ”red horn” gets its name from the shape of the leaves.  The leaves of the red horn kratom are more or less similar to Maeng Da Kratom. The leaf tips are jagged just in the same way the Maeng Da leaf is. But, the lower part of the leaf looks like a Red Vein strain of kratom.

Thus, many people believe the red horn is a hybrid of the red veins and Maeng da and kratoms. People who are aware of the bestselling Maeng Da and Green Horned varieties of Kratom will definitely fall in love with this Red Horn Kratom.


Red-veined horned kratom strains are popular for their aromatic properties.

In terms of the Red Horn’s aroma, it fuses the energetic spice of the famous Thai variety Maeng da kratom with the much sought-after fuller aromatic properties of the Green Horn Kratom. So, you can experience the best aromatic properties of both Green Horn and Maeng Da strains in the red horn kratom.

No matter what strains of Kratom you may prefer, this Red Horn Kratom is a ‘must try Kratom strain’. The rare and unique aroma offers a relaxing experience which is the most needed one for most Kratom users.

Red Horn Kratom Effects

red horn kratom

It is essential to know the effects of red horn kratom before you consume it.

Red horn kratom is similar to Red Vein Borneo’s relaxing effects. The red-veined kratoms are loaded with the potent alkaloid called 7-hydroxmitragynine. The potency of 7-hydroxmitragynine is 30 times higher than mitragynine and 17 times higher than morphine. So, you can get the needed therapeutic and medical benefits by consuming it.

The relaxing and soothing effects are also strong in Red Horn. If you want the most sedative kratom strain that can enhance your mood, then try red horn kratom. It can feel opiate-like, similar to red Bali or red kali.

In my experience, I found red horn kratom to hit me the hardest compared to other red veins. It is ideal to take a red horn in the evening if you want to relax and recharge.

Even though many people use it as a sleeping aid, it’s not too sedative, which is good. You won’t feel saggy eyes in the morning. The Red horn kratom is also good for people who have depression or anxiety.

Major Benefits of Consuming Red Horn Kratom:

The Red Horn Kratom offers a number of benefits.

  • Better sleep
  • Good pain relief but not as other potent red veins
  • Huge anxiety relief
  • Alleviate chronic pains.
  • Long-lasting effects
  • Mood enhancement or Euphoria
  • Opiate-like
  • Relaxation and calmness

Red Horn Kratom Dosage

Dosage is very important while you are consuming any potent plants like kratom. You don’t need to take too many grams to feel the power of the red horn.

The dosage of kratom varies from person to person. It mainly depends on the metabolism or the tolerance level of a person. The same quantity of kratom can be sufficient for one person and not for another. So, start with a low red horn kratom dosage.

For a beginner, 1 to 3 grams of red horn kratom would be a reasonable amount to observe positive results. For most people, 1 gram of powdered Red Horn Kratom is already enough. You can feel the change in almost 30 to 40 minutes. Even if you didn’t get the satisfaction, add 1 or 2 grams but don’t go beyond that.

  • Very light effects: Consume 2 to 4 grams of kratom. (Mood-boosting, stimulating effects)
  • Medium effects: 4 to 6 grams. This would act as a stimulant. (Balance between sedation and pain killing effects.)
  • Strong effects: 6 to 8 grams of dosage. This would lead to sedation. (Euphoria, Very analgesic)
  • More than 9 grams will be risky. Though experienced users need at least 9 grams to get the euphoria, it is not suitable for beginners.


  • Always remember that you cannot exactly measure the finely ground powders. The Red Horn Kratom is very potent. So never take more than recommended and avoid an overdose.
  • An electronic weighing scale is highly recommended for anyone using powdered Kratom.

How to Take Red Horn Kratom?

The best way to use the red horn Kratom varies from person to person. It’s purely the preference of the individual. But, the most popular ways are either drinking or eating it.

  • The tea that is prepared from the Red Horn Kratom is pretty tasty. Many users feel that consuming kratom in the form of tea gives much sooner results.
  • Another common way is by consuming its extract in fluids such as juice, smoothies, ice-cream, etc.
  • Since weighing powdered red horn kratom is difficult, now many users prefer capsules. This is the best way to enjoy Kratom without any hint of its bitter taste or smell.
  • Rarely people used to chew the leaves of red horned kratom. But due to its harshness and bitter taste, most people won’t choose this option.

Where to buy the Best Red Horn kratom?

If you’re looking to buy the best red horn kratom, look no further. Here it is…

You can buy from Reputed Kratom Vendors such as:

In a Nutshell,

Red horn kratom is a more popular and potent strain. The effects are calm and happy. It is useful for pain relief, depression, mood lifting, euphoria, sleeping, and anxiety. Hope you enjoyed my review about red horn kratom

Try the red horn strain and comment on your experience about the red horn kratom.

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