Best Kratom For Weight Loss 2024 – 3 Kratom Strains to Lose Weight Faster

Need the best kratom for weight loss in 2024?

First of all, does kratom cause weight loss? If so, then how to use kratom to lose weight healthily?

Over the last year, I have lost about 30 pounds while I was taking kratom. I feel great and my BMI is in the normal range for the first time in years.

I was slightly heavier at 205 lbs. I dieted, exercised, even went on phentermine, but I couldn’t lose any significant weight no matter how hard I tried. Then I take kratom 3x’s daily. Kratom gives me a fantastic weight workout and cuts my appetite down. I noticed that few lbs melted off like butter after starting Green Maeng Da Kratom.

While you are on the weight loss process, be careful in choosing the Kratom varieties. Since many varieties are available, it is not easy to choose the one which is highly beneficial without any side effects.

If you choose the wrong kratom, then you will end up with severe side effects. Since Kratom is the most potent plant, you have to choose the dosage and variety as per your needs.

best kratom for weight loss

Yes, Kratom is a major appetite suppressant for me. Probably more than the phentermine that I tried years ago to lose weight.

Even before I started taking kratom, I was very diet conscious. I’ve not been eating too many calories. I still have a good diet and get all the things I need in me so I am not concerned about weight loss.

But If you keep losing weight, you should cut back on the kratom a bit if it’s bothering you. Kratom is a great weight loss aid. As long as you stay hydrated!


Best Kratom For Weight Loss 2024 – Comparison

Kratom StrainsBest ForPotencyPrice
1. Green Maeng Da KratomWeight loss and EnergyMedium
2. Red Thai KratomWeightloss and EuphoriaHigh
3. White Vein KratomWeight loss and FocusLow

Okay. Which Kratom is the Best for Weight Loss?

The Green Maeng da Kratom, Red Thai, and White vein kratom strains are good for losing weight. I recommend Green Maeng da Kratom for your healthy weight loss.

Kindly avoid the most potent Kratom strains such as Indo, Bali, and Borneo Kratoms. Even though, these kratom strains produce a high analgesic effect that is coupled with an equally high sedative effect. This leads to an increase in appetite. So better avoid those kratoms while trying to lose weight.

Best Kratom For Weight Loss 2024 – Review

Which strain of kratom is best for weight loss? Here I have listed the 3 best types of kratom to lose weight effectively.

1. Green Maeng Da – Best Kratom For Weight Loss

best kratom for weight loss

I hope you know that Maeng da Kratom strains come in three varieties such as white, red and green. Even though all Maeng Da Kratom strains are very effective pain relievers, the Green Maeng Da gives you an additional strong boost of energy.

I love Green Maeng Da. It is the strongest green veins available in the market. It has a high concentration of mitragynine which helps in pain relief, boosting energy, and mood enhancements.

Maeng Da Kratom helps to reduce your caloric intake by suppressing your appetite. As a partial agonist, Kratom can reduce the intensity of cravings.

This green vein kratom never disappoints you. This is the best kratom for weight loss. I highly recommend this Green Meang Da to get faster results.

2. Red Thai Kratom For Weight Loss

kratom for weight loss

Red Thai is generally known as the “Red Vein Thai Kratom”. It is one of the most popular kratom strains available in the market. This variety is more potent than green veins. So, it has strong pain-relieving and relaxing effects. Most people use red Thai to get euphoric effects.

While this train does not boost the energy in the same way as white or green vein kratom does, it has the potential to suppress one’s appetite.

When compared to the above Green Maeng Da kratom, this red Thai lags in energy. Red Thai Kratom has a calming effect on most people. But you can get the required weight loss results.

Most people ask me if green kratom is good for weight loss or not. Undoubtedly, you can use Red Thai to lose weight. As I said earlier, it is one of the strongest kratom strains for weight loss. So, don’t consume this daily.

3. White Vein Kratom – Can Use it Regularly

best kratom strain for weight loss

White vein kratom strains are the most common among people who would like to lose weight by using kratom. They have stimulating effects, boost your energy, mood enhancement and to get focus.

This strain of Kratom contains less amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine than other kratom varieties.  Hence, white kratom strains are less potent and less sedative. So, you can consume this daily. It does not harm your body.

White vein kratom also suppresses your appetite and reduce food cravings. The white vein kratom doesn’t taste that much bitter like the other potent kratom strains. So, the tea prepared from the white vein kratom is very tasty.

The most common kratom for weight loss is the White Vein Kratom. You can use this kratom regularly and no need to worry about side effects.

How Kratom Helps you to Lose Weight?

The only way to lose body mass is to burn more calories than you intake. Kratom does this perfectly!

Many users report a significant drop in weight by using Kratom regularly.  There are a few things that seem to help with losing weight by taking kratom. Even a few research works (1)(2) show how kratom helps lose overall body weight.

Appetite Suppression

Kratom is one of the best appetite suppressant herbs available in the world. The strains of Kratom have high appetite-suppressing effects.

Kratom does not make leave your stomach feeling sour or achy. You can feel stomach fullness.  So obviously you will reduce your calorie intake and thereby lose your weight gradually.

Reduces Food Cravings

To achieve faster weight loss, many people go for a restricted diet. But the most challenging part is food cravings. The delicious foods such as desserts, candy, pastries, etc make you crave it. The Opiate receptors are also responsible for triggering cravings.

As a partial agonist, Kratom reduces the intensity of your cravings. Not only food but also it reduces opiate and alcohol craving in users.

Kratom Dosage Guide for Weight Loss

How much kratom do you need to lose weight?

The weight loss dosage of kratom varies from person to person. It mainly depends on the metabolism or the tolerance level of a person.

  • Low Dosage- 1 to 2 grams per day
  • Medium Dosage – 2 to 5 grams per day
  • High Dosage – 5 to 7 grams per day

I can’t tell a specific dosage for your body. You have to test on yourself and learn the dosage. Start with a mild dosage of 1-2 grams and check whether you lose weight or not. But weight loss is not a short-term journey. You have to wait for at least 3 months to know the difference.

The ideal dosage is medium-level at 2-5. So, better start with a low dosage and increase it at mid-level for a few months and check your weight loss progress. Since I notice the weight loss after 4 months, I can strongly tell that it also works for you. But depends on your metabolism, it varies.

If you don’t have any electronic weighing scale to measure the accurate weight of kratom powder, use kratom pills for weight loss. Nowadays, many people prefer kratom capsules, due to the ease of use and to avoid the bitter taste.

Kratom is a highly potent plant. So, If you are unfamiliar with the measurements or you don’t have the electronic weighing machine, better go for kratom capsules.

How often to Use Kratom for Weight Loss?

The frequency of the kratom dosage for weight loss also depends on your body. The Red Vein Thai and Maeng Da Kratom strains are subject to increase tolerance quickly and can have negative effects. So, don’t use them daily. But still, it depends on the tolerance level of your body.

If you like to consume kratom regularly, go for White vein kratom strains. Since it is mild potent and with less tolerance, you can use it regularly to lose weight.

Is it safe to use Kratom for losing weight?

Obviously Yes! Kratom is safe for human consumption as long as you follow the correct dosage. Kratom overdose results in serious side effects.


How to use kratom for weight loss?

You have to test on yourself and learn the dosage. Start with a mild dosage of 1-2 grams and check whether you lose weight or not.

Which kratom is best for weight loss?

Green Maeng da strains, White vein kratom, and Red Thai kratom are the best for losing weight faster.

How often to use kratom for weight loss?

The frequency of the kratom dosage for weight loss also depends on your body’s metabolism and tolerance level. Use White kratom strains regularly and don’t consume other strains daily.

Is Red kratom good for pain and weight loss?

Yes, most of the red kratoms are good for pain and weight loss. For better results, try the Red vein kratom strains.

Is green kratom good for weight loss?

Yes, green kratoms are good for weight loss. For better results, try the Green Maeng da kratom strains.

Which is the strongest kratom strain for weight loss?

Red Kratom strains are very potent and stronger. If you need the strongest kratom for weight loss, try the red vein Thai Kratom.

Does Maeng da kratom good for weight loss?

Yes, Maeng Da strains are good for weight loss. Especially, you can use Green Maeng Da.

Is it safe to use Kratom for losing weight?

Obviously Yes! Kratom is safe for human consumption as long as you follow the correct dosage. Kratom overdose results in serious side effects. 

Which color of Thai kratom is best for weight loss?

The red-colored Thai kratom is good to lose weight faster.

Best kratom strains for a lot of weight loss?

For a quick weight loss, try the red vein Thai kratom strain. But it is not healthy to lose weight faster. So better take kratom on periodic intervals.

How often to take kratom for weight loss?

The frequency of the kratom dosage for weight loss also depends on your body’s metabolism and tolerance level. Use White kratom strains regularly and don’t consume other strains daily.

If you are using kratom for weight loss, how many days should you take it for?

The days depends on your metabolism and tolerance level. For most people, it took 3 months to see the desired results. It varies from 3 months to 1 year.

Is kratom good for weight loss?

Yes! Kratom is good for weight loss as long as you follow the correct dosage. Kratom overdose results in serious side effects.

Which type of kratom do I want for weight loss and energy?

If you like to lose weight and to boost your energy, go for Green maeng da kratom strains. It provides a lot of energy and good to achieve healthy weight loss.

Is kratom Maeng da gold good for weight loss?

No, it is a very potent strain. Better go for Green Maeng da kratom.

Is red vein Thai kratom powder good for weight loss?

Yes, the red vein Thai kratom powder is good for weight loss. This is very potent and doesn’t consume this kratom regularly.

Which is better white Borneo or white Indonesian kratom for weight loss?

Both white kratom strains are mild potent and stimulative. So you can use both.

Maeng da kratom dosage for weight loss?

You have to test on yourself and learn the correct Maeng da dosage for weight loss. Start with a mild dosage of 1-2 grams and check whether you lose weight or not.

How much kratom for weight loss?

You have to test on yourself and learn the correct Maeng da dosage for weight loss. Start with a mild dosage of 1-2 grams and check whether you lose weight or not.

Can you use kratom for weight loss?

Yes, you can use kratom to lose weight.  If you follow the correct dosage, then kratom is an ideal choice to lose weight.

In a Nutshell,

Which is the best kratom for weight loss in 2024?

Kratom powder is a natural supplement that can suppress your appetite and reduce food cravings, thereby helps you to reduce your weight faster.

Green Maeng da is the best kratom strain for weight loss. I would personally recommend the Green Maeng da kratom for better results. But if you like to use kratom regularly, try the white vein kratom strains.

The Red Thai strain is the most popular appetite suppressant and pain reliever. But it is not suitable for regular consumption. Kratom capsules are also the most trending ones. I hope the review of the best kratom for weight loss 2024 is helpful for you to choose the one which is suitable for you.

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